Test On Writing Skills Data Analysis Articles English Language Essay

The information shows that the article an is used before words begin with vowels and a before words get downing with consonant without sing the quality of missive or phoneme which begins in a word. It is apparent that ‘an ‘ is used before the consonant ‘h ‘ which is soundless or deaf-and-dumb person in the beginning of word, and ‘an ‘ is used before the vowels which have sound quality of consonant. The ground for the incorrect permutation is that the ‘strong force per unit areas of the continuously drilled regulations that an is used before nouns begin with vowel ( Agnihotari, 1992 ) and frailty versa due to such wont formation, the pupils extent these regulations as

Above samples indicate that the definite and indefinite articles are randomly used before noun phrases / nouns and are unnecessarily omitted where they are required. The article ‘the ‘ has non been used where it is needfully required in the topographic point of cataphorical mention. These types of mistakes have appeared due to the ignorance of the grammatical characteristics of articles, influence of L1 and simplification scheme.

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Further it is found that ‘a ‘ is preponderantly used by the pupils instead than ‘an ‘ and ‘the ‘ . This may be because of the fact that ‘a ‘ is simple every bit good as first learned component. The pupils nevertheless find certain state of affairss at which article of some sort is required ; whenever they encounter such context or such spread, it is by and large filled with ‘a ‘ .

60 % of the pupils have committed mistakes in articles. Of the 60 % , 25 % of them have wrongly substituted the articles and staying 35 % of the pupils unnecessarily have added the articles where it is non required and have omitted where it is needfully required.

2. Preposition

Preposition as ‘a word ‘ or group of words ‘ ( e.g. in, from, to, on behalf of ) is frequently

placed before a noun or pronoun to bespeak topographic point, way, beginning, method etc. ,

Further, it connects a noun or pronoun with some other words in a sentence and

makes clear the relationship between the two.

Mistakes refering to the usage of prepositions found in the pupils ‘ public presentation are classified into four classs as stated below.

I ) Wrong choice of preposition


Incorrect choice — — — Correct choice

1. I am traveling on vacation on May — — — in

2. I ca n’t kip in dark — — — at

3. Good pass! See you in Friday — — — on

4. I ever feel good on the forenoon — — — in

5. Sirisha stayed with us in three yearss — — — for

6. We are traveling for Delhi following twenty-four hours — — — to

The incorrect choice of prepositions may be because of the semantic multiplicity of prepositions ; for illustration, the preposition ‘of ‘ has sixty three significances listed in the Oxford lexicon, and other prepositions have about as many significances as ‘of ‘ has.

In add-on to the semantic multiplicity of the mark linguistic communication, the L1 excessively interferes due to the unsimilarities found between L1 and L2.

two ) Extension of the preposition ‘on ‘

1. I went Hyderabad on yesterday.

2. On tomorrow if I became a physician I will assist the hapless people by analyzing

3. I went a Vizag on last month.

In English, the preposition ‘on ‘ is used before the yearss like ‘on Monday ‘ ‘on Sunday ‘ etc. So, this regulation tends the scholar to widen the usage of preposition where it is non possible in English, like ‘on yesterday ‘ , ‘on tomorrow ‘ , on last month ‘ .

four ) Addition of preposition

1. There were tonss of peoples without nutrient or in instruction

2. I will assist the hapless people by in analyzing

In English certain verbs co-occur with prepositions while certain other verbs do non. The verbs, which do non happen with preposition, can happen with article in the same slot ( I bought a book, I went to Hyderabad ) . The pupils under survey could non separate and distinguish these two types of verbs and have used them identically. Consequently in many a context, they have deleted preposition.

It is identified from the informations that the pupils tend to larn certain co-occurring elements as an unit, this has resulted in utilizing two prepositions in their authorship. However, one can impute improper acquisition, and semantic multiplicities are as the grounds for non executing good in the facet of preposition.

63 % of the pupils under survey have used the preposition wrongly. Within 63 % , 35 % of the pupils have wrongly selected the prepositions, and 11 % of the pupils have over generalized the preposition as given in the sample 1, and staying 17 % of the pupils have unnecessarily added and dropped the prepositions.

3. Pronoun

Pronoun is a word that could be used in sentence in the topographic point of a noun. Pronouns can be classified as topic, object, possessive and brooding pronouns. Pronouns agree with the topic and object in figure, since pronouns are used as replacements of nouns. They must bear the same figure, gender and individual as the nouns for which they stand.


First individual

Second individual

Third individual























our ( s )

your ( s )

your ( s )

her ( s ) /his/its

their ( s )




your ego





I ) Wrong use of pronouns


1. My happy everyday at forenoon clip linguistic communication intelligence paper reading.

2. My bought to by rhythm

3. Library will be really utile myself

4. My traveling is to school

The pupils have wrongly substituted ‘my ‘ alternatively of I and ‘myself ‘ alternatively of ‘me ‘ . The ground is the deficiency of pattern and ignorance of their lingual characteristics and significances. Further, it is to be mentioned that the 3rd individual pronouns ( he/she/it ) are used about decently by the pupils, and they find no job in utilizing them. The ground is that the pupils follow the scheme of positive transportation from L1.

4. Adjectives

Adjectives are typically described as words or phrases that modify nouns. The adjectives normally appear between the clinchers and the nouns. Nouns are non merely modified by the archetypal adjectives but besides words from many grammatical categories like verbal participials and noun caputs. The usage of adjectives has been found to be really limited in pupils ‘ Hagiographas ; nevertheless, some incorrect uses of adjectives as found in informations are given as follows.

I ) Using noun alternatively of adjectives


1. It is nature topographic point.

2. We arranged a tour coach.

3. The industries should be shifted to nonresident country.

Mistakes of this type seldom occur in the Hagiographas of the pupils under reappraisal. It is because of the fact that both in English and Telugu linguistic communications, noun + noun combination and adjectival + noun combination are comparatively indistinguishable in the semantic facet. This gives room for utilizing N+N alternatively of Adj+N. It may besides be claimed that this mistake is found to be as the pupils follow the positive transportation of their first linguistic communication construction.

5. Nouns

Nouns or noun phrases typically function as topics, direct objects, indirect objects and capable complements ( NPS besides map as the object of preposition ) A noun that denotes a individual individual or thing is said to be in remarkable signifier and that which denotes more than one individual or thing is said to be in plural signifier. Plural nouns are formed by the add-on of the postfixs which are otherwise called as plural morphemes ( like ‘-s ‘ ‘-es ‘ ‘-en ‘ ‘-ren ‘ etc ) to the remarkable signifier of the noun.

Formation of plural nouns

Remarkable signifier

Addition of plural morpheme

Plural signifier

Elsewhere at the terminal



male childs

Topographic point


topographic points




-es after – s/sh/ch/x













Remarkable signifier

Addition of plural morpheme

Plural signifier



Internet explorer



Internet explorer




degree Fahrenheits



degree Fahrenheits

married womans

-en, ren







Irregular plural signifiers



Root alteration




adult female






end point

End point





In larning to utilize a noun, one needs to pay attending to a assortment of grammatical factors. In peculiar, one needs to cognize whether a noun is denumerable or uncountable and if denumerable what will be the plural signifier. So it is rather complex and hard to the scholars in treating all the niceties of noun at the same time and to choose a peculiar noun to utilize in a peculiar context.

6. Verb

The verb ( phrase ) is the bosom of the sentence. Most of the English sentences contain at least one verb. Verbs carry a great trade of information ; they describe actions, events, and provinces and topographic point these in a clip frame. They province whether actions or events, have been completed or traveling on and they say whether a province is current or regulatory. They help to command, petition, speculate, wish and predict.

The pupils have non decently handled the verbs besides. Most of the sentences produced by the pupils have lost their significances and maps due to inappropriate usage of the verb signifiers. Such types of erroneous sentences are as follows.

I ) Use of dual yesteryear in negative sentences

1. I did non bury the summer vacations

2. I did non thinked such an scrutiny is traveling to keep in our school.

two ) Double yesteryear in interrogative sentence

1. When did you completed scrutiny?

2. When did your male parent came Amalapuram?

3. Did you returned to place yesterday?

4. Did you wrote scrutiny?

5. Did they came yesterday?

The samples 1 and 2 show that the usage of dual yesteryear ; a curious type of mistake, found in the pupil ‘s authorship. This type of mistake occurs because of the fact that in Telugu, tense is expressed in chief verbs without dividing the verbs whatever may be the sentence type. But in negative or interrogative sentence of English, the tense is expressed with the aid of both subsidiary and chief verb ( did + pronoun + verb or did + non + verb ) . The scholars know the regulation of utilizing tense in subsidiary. However, by the influence of Telugu linguistic communication, the scholars are satisfied merely when tense is expressed through chief verbs. Therefore, they use dual tense in their authorship, particularly while composing interrogative and negative sentences.

three ) Use of past signifier where the past participial required

1. I had saw an accident yesterday

2. I and my household had went Hyderabad

3. Has he did the work

4. Had he ate the fruit

This type of mistake has appeared in the Hagiographas of the pupils understudy because of the fact that in English, some verbs have certain indistinguishable signifiers for the classs of past tense and past-participle. ( work-worked – worked ) most of the verbs have this form. Learners extent this regulation to all types of the verbs and accordingly, ‘a past tense ‘ signifier is substituted for past participle signifier of irregular type besides ( see-saw-seen ) .

four ) Wrong lexical choice

1. I bought the book from library and so survey in my house ( borrow )

2. Air pollution assailing our organic structure ( affects )

In any linguistic communication, certain lingual elements portion expectedness semantically, that is to state that all linguistic communications have synonymous, but at that place will non be any complete equivalent word in any linguistic communication. So certain words can be used in certain contexts. The pupils understudy have besides wrongly substituted a word for another. This will go on merely in the initial period of larning. Therefore, it is considered as developmental mistake.

V ) Overgeneralization of the irregular verb signifiers

Sample — Correct signifier

becomed – became

binded – edge

bited – spot

Sample — Correct signifier

thinked – idea

cutted – cut

seeked – sought

writed – wrote

finded – found

buyed – bought

seed – proverb

sayed – said

Learners tend to over generalise the verb signifiers due to the abnormality found in the formation of the past tense. Some English verbs do non follow the regular morphological procedure. Alternatively of taking-‘ed ‘ as past tense marker they internally get changed or they take zero morpheme of the formation of past signifier. Because of this aberrant morphological procedure, the scholars tend to over generalise already learned regulation of stick oning -ed with the present verb signifier to do past signifier. It is found that 65 % of the pupils have committed mistakes in verbs. Out of 65 % , 30 % of them have used the past signifier where the past participial is required and staying 20 % of the pupils have wrongly selected the verbs and over generalized the irregular verb signifiers in add-on to the usage of dual yesteryear.

7. Adverb

Adverbs specify the manner of action of the verbs. In English, many adverbs are signalled by the ‘ly ‘ stoping. An adverb is ‘a word used to add something to the significance of the verb ‘ . The map of an adverb in a sentence is important because of its impact on the verb it qualifies. The effectivity and verve of the action reflected by the sentences is denoted by the usage of adverbs. Sometimes adverbs measure up the adjectives besides. The mistakes in the usage of adverbs are given below.

I ) Over generalisation of – ly stoping


1. He drived tour coach fastly

2. He drove bus really speedly

3. He went fastly

two ) Adjectives used as adverb

1. Today I came to school quick

2. She sing beautiful.

These types of mistakes may be considered as developmental mistakes.

The above informations set up a fact that the pupils have got some confusion with respect to the grammatical classs viz. adverb and adjectival. The pupils have to be decently taught the functional distribution of the above two classs. 20 % of the pupils have over generalized- ly- stoping and 21 % of the pupils have used the adjectives as adverb in their Hagiographas.

8. Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary verb is low-level to chief verb. It helps to do differentiations in temper, tense, facet, voice etc. It is used to border inquiries particularly tag inquiries. Normally a verb phrase consists of a chief verb preceded by one or more subsidiary verbs. In a sentence, the appropriate choice of the subsidiary verb signifier is of import for keeping capable verb understanding. Students have trouble in utilizing the subsidiary signifiers besides. The mistakes found in the pupils composing are classified and presented below.

I ) Addition of subsidiary verb — — – Addition

1. I am went to the school — — – am

2. I am saw the male childs in the land — — – am

3. I am saw you are in the store — — – am

The pupils under survey have unnecessarily added the subsidiary verb ‘am ‘ in between the topic ‘I ‘ and verb ( past signifier ) . The pupil ‘s purpose was to convey the past event or action. She has conveyed the sense what she has done in the past, but ‘am ‘ is wrongly used with ‘I ‘ . This is due to the fact that the linking verb verb ‘am ‘ maps as a chief verb in certain contexts ( I am a pupil ) . Because of the impact of this construction, scholars unconsciously use ‘am ‘ whenever they have to utilize ‘I ‘ in a capable place.

two ) Omission of subsidiary verb — – Omission

1. When – you go to place? — – ‘do ‘

2. When – you come from Hyderabad? — – ‘did ‘

3. How – you come from Hyderabad? — – ‘did ‘

4. When – you see Amalapuram? — – ‘did ‘

The sample shows that the pupils have deleted the subsidiary verbs in the interrogative sentences ( when + sub+ verb+ noun ) . This aberrant construction is unacceptable. The ground for the omission of subsidiary verb in interrogative sentences is the female parent lingua intervention.

two ) Wrong permutation of subsidiary verb

Given direction: Fill in the spaces with suited subsidiary verbs.

Sample — — — — — Correct signifier

1. I am working when she arrived. — — – ‘was ‘

2. Now he was composing a missive to his friend. — — – ‘is ‘

3. They were traveling to a meeting tomorrow eventide. — — – ‘are ‘

4. Six people are injured in the accident yesterday ‘were ‘

The incorrect permutation of subsidiary verbs ‘am ‘ alternatively of ‘was ‘ , ‘are ‘ alternatively of ‘were ‘ and frailty versa is due to the ‘ignorance of the lingual characteristics of subsidiary verb and failure in understanding the significance of the given sentences. Equally shortly as the pupils see the verb in the ‘ing ‘ signifier, they tend to utilize subsidiary without sing the tense which is implied by the adverb. It is found that there are 52 % of the pupils wrongly used the subsidiary verbs. Of the 52 % , 32 % of the pupils have wrongly added and deleted the aides, and staying 20 % of them have wrongly substituted the aides.

9. Capital of new hampshire

Concord is the grammatical understanding between words in figure, gender, capable, verb etc. In English, figure is a characteristic associated with nouns, demonstratives, personal pronouns and verbs. Nouns have remarkable or plural Numberss and present tense verbs when they come with 3rd individual singular will happen in understanding with the topic ( noun ) . Mistakes identified in the pupils ‘ authorship are classified and presented as follows.

I ) Demonstrative adjectives and noun understanding


1. This gases causes holes in ozone bed.

2. The scientists said that due to this holes universe will be destroyed with in 200 billion old ages.

3. Especially industries favors these air pollution.

4. Therefore in order to these types of pollution the authorities should take act sing pollution

The mistakes in the facet of understanding between the demonstrative adjective and noun may be because of the ignorance of the maps of the demonstrative adjectives and intervention of first linguistic communication.

Capable and verb understanding

1. Petrol powered vehicles causes most serious job

2. Particularly industries favours these air pollution

3. This gases causes holes in ozone bed

4. Preventive steps against air pollution saves our state

The above sentences show the agreemental job between verb and noun. The pupils have used the 3rd individual remarkable marker ‘s ‘ ( Es ) without sing the noun which proceeds the verb. The words like ‘vehicles, ‘ ‘Industries ‘ ‘gases ‘ and ‘preventive steps ‘ are in plural signifiers which require plural verb signifier but pupils have preponderantly used the remarkable verbs signifier. So, the 3rd individual remarkable marker is over generalized where it is non required.

It has been found that there are 67 % of the pupils committed mistakes in Concord. Of 67 % , 29 % of the pupils have committed mistakes in the understanding between demonstrative adjective and noun. 28 % of pupils have committed mistakes in understanding between capable and verb and staying 6 % of the pupils have committed all types of mistakes.

10. Syntax

Syntax includes the ways words are combined into larger constructions including sentences. The differentiation between the topic and predicate is the basic division within the sentence. The productive grammar of the 1970s exploited tree diagrams in which the topic ( called the NP for noun phrase ) subdivisions left and the predicate ( called VP for verb phrase ) subdivisions right. S stands for sentence.

Order alteration in inquiry

1. Where he was traveling?

2. When you will come from Bombay?

3. Why you did n’t come yesterday?

4. Why you did n’t state the ground for maestro?

The sample shows that the interrogative sentences have been used in the contrary order as where + bomber + aux + verb ( where he was traveling ) alternatively of where + aux + bomber + verb ( where was he traveling ) . This is due to the influence of spoken signifier on authorship. The aberrant word order of inquiry found in the scholars ‘ public presentation is least acceptable in the spoken manner of Indian English and it is besides expressed through modulation utilizing the similar form. But old one is unacceptable order in the written manner.

( three ) a ) Incomplete sentences

1. My bought to the by rhythm

2. I am decide to the bag

3. Meena is told the Malathi

4. She decide the meeting

5. I ran to the people

B ) Discourse with full of uncomplete sentences


My life ambis a instructor I ca n’t be any life or vizetion so I can non be teacher of life so happy the childrens life the teacher life I am like the childrens I am hat reati reavs the life of instructors my life is the last clip of instructor the childrens the tomorrow do yesterday so was doind my life tomorrow the… …

Reason for the projection of the uncomplete sentences is that some L2 scholar at the beginning phase merely memorizes the transition or lingual elements for the scrutiny intent so they try to project it wholly in the scrutinies, but it seems to them impossible to project wholly what they have memorized. Then, they import the lingual elements improperly whatever it comes from their memory as shown in the above sample. This type of mistake may be considered as mistake due to lingual emesis or it is an result of rote acquisition.

61 % of the pupils have committed mistakes in the sentence degree. Of the 61 % , 30 % of the pupils have changed the orders in the interrogative sentence, 21 % of the pupils have committed mistakes due to the influence of L1, and staying 10 % of the pupils have merely vomited the lingual elements in an unlogical manner.

11 Spelling

Spelling dramas an of import function in the formation of words. Meaning of a word depends on the characters or letters which occupy in it. Graphemes besides distinguish and distinguish the significance of words. The spelling regulations of the linguistic communication enable both the encoder and decipherer to grok suitably in the written manner. The spelling regulations of English are rather complex, and there are some regularities and abnormalities and exceeding nature in the regulations. Further, one or more than one letters correspond to one sound. In add-on to the first linguistic communication system, the complexness of the spelling regulations excessively tends the pupils or scholars to bring forth misspelt words. If the letters used in the words are changed or altered, the significances of the words will be lost. Alternations or dropping of letters in words lead to confusion. Sometimes, misspelt words will do one comprehend some other significances.

Influence of spoken signifier on spelling

The pupils have transferred their wrong address wonts to composing as follows:

Sample — — – Correct signifier

arrived — — – arrived

butefull — — – beautiful

butifull — — – beautiful

survices — — – service

Sample Correct signifier

parasonal personal

enchantress which

scientests scientists

papper paper

docter physician

three ) Words demoing dropping letters

Sample — — – Correct signifier — — – Droping & A ; lt ; br / & A ; gt ; arrived — — – arrived — — – ‘r ‘

betiful — — – beautiful — — – ‘au ‘

droped — — – dropped — — – ‘p ‘

equalent — — – equivalent — — – four

impretive — — – jussive mood — — – vitamin E

four ) Words demoing add-on of letters

Sample — — – Correct signifier — — – Addition

unblievable — — – unblivable — — – ‘e ‘

playying — — – playing — — – ‘y ‘

dailiy — — – daily — — – ‘i ‘

becomeing — — – going — — – ‘e ‘

secound — — – second — — – U

V ) Words demoing alteration of letters

Sample — — – Correct signifier — — – Transportation

heppy — — – happy — — – a-e

parrants — — – parents — — – e-a

haleday — — – vacation — — – i-e

impretive — — – jussive mood — — – a-e

famile — — – household — — – y-e

discriped — — – described — — – e-i

The analyzed and classified informations show that both the intervention of L1 and scholar ‘s wrong address wonts have paved the manner for the spelling mistakes in the topographic point of harmonic bunchs. Merely the wrong address wonts mirror in their spelling in the topographic point of vowels and vowel bunchs. It is identified in the pupils ‘ informations that 71 % of the pupils have committed orthographical mistakes in their Hagiographas.

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