Claudius as a Machiavellian character?

In this essay, the character of Claudius from Hamlet is shown as a quintessential Machiavellian character. Niccolo Machiavelli wrote the book entitled The Prince, and is known by some for doing the guidelines on how to go the best prince through prevarications, corruptness, immorality, and slaying. This essay examines how Claudius, the King of Denmark fulfills these guidelines. Claudius ‘ Machiavellian character is shown through the manner he deceives others about his virtuousness, his development of strategies, and his belief that regulations can easy be broken.

“ A Machiavellian character is non difficult to come by, and ample exist around us today. A individual of this characteristic will interrupt regulations, pretend to be virtuous, program strategies, and do anything they must, in order to have what they strive for. In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, a perfect illustration of such a character is displayed in Claudius, the New King of Denmark. Claudius performs many delusory and atrocious Acts of the Apostless, which make him the quintessential Machiavellian character. Developing strategies, feigning to be virtuous, and turn outing his belief, through his actions, that regulations may be broken, are the workss he executes, which prove his true character. ”

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In the first few scenes of Hamlet, the political abilities of Claudius are strikingly apparent, and even though it has been merely a light two months since the decease of King Hamlet, his powers are well-consolidated. No justification is given for the anomalousness in the right of sequence to the throne of Denmark, other than Claudius ‘ implied oblique tactics and Hamlet ‘s absence from tribunal. Although, subsequently in the drama, Claudius speaks of “ the great love the general gender bear [ Hamlet ] , ” there is to be found nary a susurration of improperness or dirt on anyone ‘s breath aside from Hamlet himself, and his rumbles relate about entirely to the hasty and indelicate remarriage of his female parent, the queen, instead than to his want of the throne. Claudius has apparently found a manner to keep a greatest repute while indulging, before the populace, in what usually would be considered an incestuous relationship. The rationalisation of his actions to the tribunal through the pseudo-patriotic rhetoric evidenced in his opening address of Act 1, scene 2, is a tutorial in political pragmatism. He is besides shown to command a important international regard

In the drama “ Hamlet ” by William Shakespeare, the character of Claude is a close perfect illustration of a Machiavellian character. Claude began as the brother to King Hamlet, half-brother to Queen Gertrude and Uncle to Prince Hamlet. However this state of affairs evidently does non suite Claude so he takes steps to alter it. After making what he had to excessively go King, Claude ‘s brother is dead, he is married to Gertrude and Prince Hamlet is now his son-in-law. In this manner he has demonstrated the aureate regulation of Machiavelli. That regulation is to obtain power by all agencies necessary and to maintain that power by all agencies necessary. However after Claude additions his power he does non make a good occupation of maintaining it. There are things Claude could of done to maintain a appreciation on the Kingship that he does non make and the consequence is his decease. So in some ways Claude is a perfect illustration of a Machiavellian character, but in other ways he is far from it. As the drama begins, Claude has taken ownership of the Crown. “ The snake that did biting thy male parent ‘s life now wears his Crown. “ ( Hamlet, 29 ) A shade of Old Hamlet has told Prince Hamlet and the audience how he died. His brother poisoned him. This action entirely is barbarous but would non vouch the Crown to Claude, for that to go on Claude must make more. “ With hilarity in funeral and with coronach in matrimony, in equal graduated table weighing delight and dole-taken to married woman. “ ( Hamlet, 10 ) To procure his place as King, Claude has married Gertrude. Now he is married to the Queen, brother to the dead King and an experient leader, the perfect pick for a new King. This is a good place to step into because Old Hamlet was good like and Denmark was a powerful state, so Claude ‘s Kingship would be heartily greeted. “ I say at one time there are fewer troubles in keeping familial provinces, and those long accustomed to the household of their prince… ” ( Machiavelli, 3 ) When a state is used to the manner things are done by a peculiar household, any household member can be easy accepted among the people, simple because of his name. Now that Claude has usurped the place he so severely wanted from his brother, he needs an action to solidify the procedure. Everyone is happy because Claude is at that place, but they need to be assured that he will be a good King. To guarantee the people Claude sends a strong message to the boy of Fortinbras, who plans to pay war with Denmark. “ He hath non failed to tease us with message importing the resignation of those lands lost by his male parent, with all bonds of jurisprudence, to our most valorous brother. So much for him. “ ( Hamlet, 10 ) Claude shows everyone that he is strong by disregarding the “ idle ” menaces of Fortinbras. This shows that he will take, and lead with strength. Like a true Machiavellian character, Claude has done all things necessary to obtain his power, and has begun to make the things necessary to maintain the power. The lone job is that Claude does non go on every bit strong as he began. He did make all that he must to obtain his power. He killed his brother, married his brother ‘s married woman and showed discourtesy to his enemies in forepart of his people. However when the clip comes to maintain his power, he is non as decisive. “ For your purpose in traveling back to school in Wittenberg, it is most retrograde to our desire, and we beseech you bend you to stay here in the cheer and comfort of our oculus. “ ( Hamlet, 13 ) Claude petitions of his new boy that he stays in the castle with them. This was his first error. Claude took the thrown non merely from his brother but from his nephew Hamlet every bit good. This means that Hamlet is in direct competition for the Crown and therefore an enemy of Claude. For those grounds he should of instantly killed Hamlet, or at the really least allowed him to go forth the land and ne’er let him to return. Claude nevertheless does non and from so on his yearss will be numbered. When Hamlet finds out about how his male parent had died, he sets a class to kill Hamlet. Part of this class is to feign to be huffy so as to throw his enemies off. “ But since the King ‘s witting guilt and panic might moderately hold created a misgiving of Hamlet, and that misgiving and a desire of security induced him to see his decease… ” ( Lennox, 81 ) The lunacy that Hamlet pretends to be sing disturbs Claude, and justly so. He knows that the violent death of Hamlet ‘s male parent would be ground for retaliation, and a brainsick Hamlet is more likely to finish that action than a sane one, so why would Claude still waver to extinguish his enemy? In the beginning Claude ‘s actions are really much like that of a Machiavellian character, but as the drama progresses he becomes more and more like a weak leader who is to confused to work out any of his jobs. “ The Queen his female parent lives about by his expressions… ” ( Hamlet, 115 ) Claude ‘s alibi for non acquiring rid of his enemy is that Gertrude would be upset. But if she were to go that so she as good would be an enemy and eliminated. “ I say that every prince ought to want to be considered clement and non cruel. Nevertheless he ought to take attention non to misapply this mildness. “ ( Mahciavelli, 23 ) Claude has become excessively concerned with looking nice and sort and has lost path of his end to maintain the power he has obtained. Claude nevertheless regains his finding and sets a program to kill off Hamlet. “ For that intent I ‘ll anoint my blade. I brought a smarm of charlatan… a goblet for the time being, whereon but sipping, if he by opportunity flight your venomed stuck… ” ( Hamlet, 119-120 ) Claude and his new tool, Laertes have devised off to free themselves of Hamlet. Hamlet and Laertes will fence, Laertes with a poisoned blade and if that does non kill him, so Claude with a poisoned drink will kill Hamlet. Claude has forgotten his misled dependance on people like Gertrude and has resolved to kill his enemy like a Machiavellian character would. Throughout the drama “ Hamlet ” by William Shakespeare, Claude plays the function of a Machiavellian character. He does what he has to excessively obtain the coveted power, and in the terminal does what he must to maintain it, although to no help. There are a few cases where Claude strays from the way, but he corrects his errors and does, or at least attempts to make what he must to procure his place. So for the bulk of the clip Claude is the perfect illustration of a Machiavellian character.

In the drama “ Hamlet ” by William Shakespeare, the character of Claude is a close perfect illustration of a Machiavellian character. Claude began as the brother to King Hamlet, half-brother to Queen Gertrude and Uncle to Prince Hamlet. However this state of affairs evidently does non suite Claude so he takes steps to alter it. After making what he had to excessively go King, Claude ‘s brother is dead, he is married to Gertrude and Prince Hamlet is now his son-in-law. In this manner he has demonstrated the aureate regulation of Machiavelli. That regulation is to obtain power by all agencies necessary and to maintain that power by all agencies necessary. However after Claude additions his power he does non make a good occupation of maintaining it. There are things Claude could of done to maintain a appreciation on the Kingship that he does non make and the consequence is his decease. So in some ways Claude is a perfect illustration of a Machiavellian character, but in other ways he is far from it. As the drama begins, Claude has taken ownership of the Crown. “ The snake that did biting thy male parent ‘s life now wears his Crown. “ ( Hamlet, 29 ) A shade of Old Hamlet has told Prince Hamlet and the audience how he died. His brother poisoned him. This action entirely is barbarous but would non vouch the Crown to Claude, for that to go on Claude must make more. “ With hilarity in funeral and with coronach in matrimony, in equal graduated table weighing delight and dole-taken to married woman. “ ( Hamlet, 10 ) To procure his place as King, Claude has married Gertrude. Now he is married to the Queen, brother to the dead King and an experient leader, the perfect pick for a new King. This is a good place to step into because Old Hamlet was good like and Denmark was a powerful state, so Claude ‘s Kingship would be heartily greeted. “ I say at one time there are fewer troubles in keeping familial provinces, and those long accustomed to the household of their prince… ” ( Machiavelli, 3 ) When a state is used to the manner things are done by a peculiar household, any household member can be easy accepted among the people, simple because of his name. Now that Claude has usurped the place he so severely wanted from his brother, he needs an action to solidify the procedure. Everyone is happy because Claude is at that place, but they need to be assured that he will be a good King. To guarantee the people Claude sends a strong message to the boy of Fortinbras, who plans to pay war with Denmark. “ He hath non failed to tease us with message importing the resignation of those lands lost by his male parent, with all bonds of jurisprudence, to our most valorous brother. So much for him. “ ( Hamlet, 10 ) Claude shows everyone that he is strong by disregarding the “ idle ” menaces of Fortinbras. This shows that he will take, and lead with strength. Like a true Machiavellian character, Claude has done all things necessary to obtain his power, and has begun to make the things necessary to maintain the power. The lone job is that Claude does non go on every bit strong as he began. He did make all that he must to obtain his power. He killed his brother, married his brother ‘s married woman and showed discourtesy to his enemies in forepart of his people. However when the clip comes to maintain his power, he is non as decisive. “ For your purpose in traveling back to school in Wittenberg, it is most retrograde to our desire, and we beseech you bend you to stay here in the cheer and comfort of our oculus. “ ( Hamlet, 13 ) Claude petitions of his new boy that he stays in the castle with them. This was his first error. Claude took the thrown non merely from his brother but from his nephew Hamlet every bit good. This means that Hamlet is in direct competition for the Crown and therefore an enemy of Claude. For those grounds he should of instantly killed Hamlet, or at the really least allowed him to go forth the land and ne’er let him to return. Claude nevertheless does non and from so on his yearss will be numbered. When Hamlet finds out about how his male parent had died, he sets a class to kill Hamlet. Part of this class is to feign to be huffy so as to throw his enemies off. “ But since the King ‘s witting guilt and panic might moderately hold created a misgiving of Hamlet, and that misgiving and a desire of security induced him to see his decease… ” ( Lennox, 81 ) The lunacy that Hamlet pretends to be sing disturbs Claude, and justly so. He knows that the violent death of Hamlet ‘s male parent would be ground for retaliation, and a brainsick Hamlet is more likely to finish that action than a sane one, so why would Claude still waver to extinguish his enemy? In the beginning Claude ‘s actions are really much like that of a Machiavellian character, but as the drama progresses he becomes more and more like a weak leader who is to confused to work out any of his jobs. “ The Queen his female parent lives about by his expressions… ” ( Hamlet, 115 ) Claude ‘s alibi for non acquiring rid of his enemy is that Gertrude would be upset. But if she were to go that so she as good would be an enemy and eliminated. “ I say that every prince ought to want to be considered clement and non cruel. Nevertheless he ought to take attention non to misapply this mildness. “ ( Mahciavelli, 23 ) Claude has become excessively concerned with looking nice and sort and has lost path of his end to maintain the power he has obtained. Claude nevertheless regains his finding and sets a program to kill off Hamlet. “ For that intent I ‘ll anoint my blade. I brought a smarm of charlatan… a goblet for the time being, whereon but sipping, if he by opportunity flight your venomed stuck… ” ( Hamlet, 119-120 ) Claude and his new tool, Laertes have devised off to free themselves of Hamlet. Hamlet and Laertes will fence, Laertes with a poisoned blade and if that does non kill him, so Claude with a poisoned drink will kill Hamlet. Claude has forgotten his misled dependance on people like Gertrude and has resolved to kill his enemy like a Machiavellian character would. Throughout the drama “ Hamlet ” by William Shakespeare, Claude plays the function of a Machiavellian character. He does what he has to excessively obtain the coveted power, and in the terminal does what he must to maintain it, although to no help. There are a few cases where Claude strays from the way, but he corrects his errors and does, or at least attempts to make what he must to procure his place. So for the bulk of the clip Claude is the perfect illustration of a Machiavellian character.


  • Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince. Ed. Thomas G. Bergin. Arlington Heights: Harlan Davidson, Inc. , 1947.

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